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    How To Make Delta 8 THC

    Delta-8 THC for sale sign

    Delta 8 THC is a naturally-occurring compound found in the hemp and cannabis plant. It's relatively new to the hemp scene but has rapidly gained popularity in recent years. 

    You might have heard of delta 8 THC's famous cousin, delta 9 THC. These are two different compounds altogether even though both can come from the cannabis plant or be hemp-derived. 

    Delta 9 THC can be extracted from the federally legal hemp plant to form a concentrated and pure variation that will be infused and utilized in products. 

    Delta 8 THC Extraction Process

    Hemp-derived delta 8 THC can also be found in and extracted from industrial hemp plants. But there's a major problem with the extraction process—there is much less delta 8 THC present in the hemp plants compared to delta 9 from the cannabis plant. If you were to scour the ends of the earth for a delta 8 rich strain, we bet you'll end up empty-handed. 

    Where Delta 8 THC Is Found

    Unfortunately, delta 8 THC is naturally found in industrial hemp plants in minimal amounts. So if manufacturers in the cannabis industry were to rely on the delta 8 extraction process alone, delta 8 THC products would cost as much as a trip to the moon! 

    So the question becomes, "How can you make delta 8?

    In this article, we'll explore the following: 

    Alright, let's get into it! 

    Delta North

    What Is The Science Behind Delta 8 THC?

    Before we get into the topic of how to make delta 8 THC, let's explore a little more about delta 8 THC. 

    The hemp plant contains hundreds of different compounds, one of them being delta 8 THC. The molecular makeup of delta 8 and delta 9 is almost alike, except for a tiny difference. Delta 8 THC has a carbon-carbon double bond on the 8th carbon, hence, its name. Meanwhile, delta 9 contains a carbon double bond on the 9th carbon. 

    Delta 8 THC Offers Different Effects Compared To Delta 9 THC

    This is a minimal difference but accounts for a significant difference in effects—which is why delta 9 cannot offer the same type of lift and experience as delta 8 THC. 

    Both CBD and delta 8 THC also share the same molecular formula, C21H30O2. However, the molecular structures of both these compounds are very different. CBD is differentiated from delta 8 THC mainly by its hydroxyl group, which is replaced by a carbon ring in delta 8 THC.  

    The Chemical Structure Of Delta 8 THC

    Again, if you remember anything from your Chemistry classes, this difference in structure changes how delta 8 THC, delta 9 THC, and CBD interact with the receptors in your body. Ultimately, the experience and effects you may get from each compound are unique. 

    Where Delta 8 THC Is Found

    As mentioned earlier, the major problem is that delta 8 THC can only be found in really minute amounts in hemp plants. But luckily, the door to the synthesis of delta 8 THC in the lab has already been opened and explored. And you have science to thank for that! 

    Delta North

    Getting Your Hands On Delta 8 THC

    Whether you're curious about how to make delta 8 gummies, distillate, or tincture, it all comes down to getting your hands on enough delta 8 THC, to begin with. It is the star ingredient, after all. 

    Since delta 8 THC contains the same molecular formula as CBD, it is possible to convert CBD into delta 8 THC. Furthermore, CBD can be found in generous amounts in the hemp plant, so the large-scale extraction of CBD is far more feasible than extracting delta 8 THC directly from the plant. 

    So, how can you convert CBD to delta 8 THC? 

    Well, this is carried out through a process known as isomerization. That was a mouthful, but the process is straightforward. 

    CBD and delta 8 THC are isomers because they have the same molecular formula. The magic happens when you rearrange how the elements present in this formula are connected. 

    The isomerization process will set up an environment that allows one isomer to transform into another. This can be done by changing pH and temperature or by exposure to other chemical substances.  

    Converting CBD Into Delta 8 THC

    Hobbyists usually use the short-path distillation method. You'll need a short-path distillation kit for this. 

    The steps typically include the following:

    Step-By-Step Process To Making Delta 8 THC

    The following steps show how to convert CBD to delta 8 THC through another method termed the react method.  

    Many large-scale companies use the above process to convert CBD to delta 8 THC. It's a much more effective delta 8 extraction process that results in a final product with higher purity, quality, and safety than the previous method. 

    But you'll need a lot of fancy equipment and tools for this. So, unfortunately, this won't be your next backyard experiment. 

    Our Delta 8 THC Process

    Delta North uses a similar advanced process and state-of-the-art equipment and technology to bring you high-quality, premium delta 8 edibles made from the finest ingredients. All our products are crafted in a cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices) facility that meets strict industry standards. 

    If you're wondering about the delta 8 THC gummies or edible process, you'll usually incorporate a delta 9 tincture or distillate into the ingredients mix.

    Should Delta 8 THC Distillate Be Clear?

    Delta 8 THC distillate is the most potent form of delta 8 THC in the market. And mind you, this isn't something for rookies to mess around with. 

    Delta 8 THC distillates are usually used in vaporizers or added to edibles, and the process of how to make delta 8 THC distillates would involve the same steps as above. 

    How The Delta 8 THC Distillate Should Look

    The distillate may have a range of various colors, and anything from clear to having a pink or amber hue is perfectly fine. But you should stay an arm's length—actually much further—away from distillates that don a dark or cloudy appearance. This symbolizes that your distillate is about to expire or is contaminated.

    Delta North

    The Risks of Converting CBD To Delta 8 THC

    Since it seems possible to make your own delta 8 THC during your next summer adventure, why doesn't everyone try to get into it? 

    Well, yes, actually. Many people have plopped on a white coat and taken up the role of the chemist-next-door in hopes of producing high-quality delta 8 THC. But unfortunately, the world doesn't spin that way. 

    Converting CBD to delta 8 THC in your garage can be risky. 

    There are many risks of taking on the process yourself or buying from a seller who doesn't have the proper resources, equipment, or expertise for this. 

    Why Purchasing High-Quality Products Matters

    This is why it's essential to purchase high-quality delta 8 THC products from a cGMP facility. Delta North's gummies are manufactured in such a facility by a team of highly-trained experts and chemists who dedicate time to testing and verifying the product's safety and quality. 

    Delta North

    One of the most commonly asked questions is this—is delta 8 legal

    Hemp-derived delta 8 online is considered legal at a federal level as long as the concentration of delta 9 in the product is less than 0.3%. That's fantastic news, and you have the 2018 Farm Bill to thank for that! Because of this bill, delta 8 THC products that meet those criteria are now deemed legal. 

    However, each state still gets the final say. You'll have to perform some research to check if delta 8 THC is legal in your state. 

    The Importance Of Lab Testing

    Lab testing of the delta 8 THC product ensures it passes standards for purity, safety, and legality. The lab test will show whether the concentration of delta 9 in the product is below 0.3%, which ultimately depicts the product's legality. 

    It's crucial that you're able to view the lab test results for any delta 8 THC product you purchase. 

    How We Conduct 3rd Party Testing

    Delta North sends all products for third-party lab testing. We've passed the tests for contaminants, such as pesticides, mercury, other cannabinoids, and heavy metals. Additionally, there are no traces of detectable delta 9 in our hemp material, meaning that our products are fully federally legal. We always recommend you do your own research into the legal status of delta 8 THC.

    Delta North

    Final Takeaway: What's So Great About Delta 8 THC?

    Why would anyone go through so much trouble to get this seemingly holy grail compound? So much experimentation, testing, resources, equipment, and ingredients go into getting a feasible amount of delta 8 to stock physical and digital shelves. What's the big deal anyway? 

    Well, delta 8 THC is said to offer a unique experience and buzz—one that helps maintain a sense of calm and gets you through crossing out your daily to-do list. The lift is described as smooth, mellow, and prolonged and is well enjoyed by both newbies and veterans alike. This is a different experience altogether from delta 9. 

    Where To Get Delta 8 THC

    If you're looking for some premium-quality delta 8 gummies to get your fix, Delta North's third-party lab-tested delta 8 THC gummies come in both individual and delta 8 gummies wholesale. These have refreshing and delightful fruity flavors and are completely vegan and gluten-free.  And yes, we'll ship your order right to your doorstep! 

    Product Disclaimer: This information is for entertainment purposes only. We do not condone or support the usage or development of delta 8 THC without the support of professionals in a certified lab compliant with federal law.

    Legal Disclaimer: You should still consult an attorney for the best legal advice regarding Delta 8 and hemp-derived CBD in your state, as the material shared here is for informational purposes only.

    author avatar
    Clayton McCall

    Clayton is a Senior Content Specialist, researcher, and holistic healthcare practitioner. Having been in the supplement industry for more than 15 years, Clayton brings a wealth of experience to the delta 8 space. His publications include alternative therapy, stress and coping, and alternative health.

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